Major items of equipment or materials are either purchased by means of financial grants or provided by interested parties.
However, there are smaller items of expenditure not covered in this way. The largest of these, by far, is Insurance but other items include, Printing, Stationery, Postage, Small Tools and Expendables.
Activities, such as Coffee Mornings, are held to raise money and FoHD produces its own Calendar for sale to members of the public.
Income from activities does not cover expenditure and therefore Members of FoHD are asked to pay a small annual Membership Fee.
Membership of ‘Friends of Holywell Dene’ is open to Individuals and Families. Any person who visits or is interested in the Dene, and supports the FoHD Aims, is welcome to become a member. A member’s greatest support to the organization is to remain a member, as the strength of FoHD is the size of its membership list and its activities. The current level of Fees, either as an Individual or Family Member, are shown at the top of the Membership Application Form, and these are reviewed at the AGM each May.
A bi-annual Newsletter is sent to all members, and they are invited to private FoHD events as well as to events that are open to the wider public.
If you would like to become a Member please complete the Membership Application Form (see below) and return it, together with your remittance, to the Treasurer. You can also pay by bank transfer using the details on the application form. Alternatively, if you would like more details, please contact the Secretary on 07958640903.
Membership Application Form (word format)
Friends of Holywell Dene display
Coffee morning
Flowers |
Trees |
Fauna |